To warm up from the bitter winter mood, RGC held an on-line slack-key “luau” featuring “Kimo” Wayne Knox and his wife, Ka’iulani, who have long supported Hawaiian music and culture in the Rochester area. Ka’iulani began by performing a charming Hawaiian “Aloha” Chant with Kimo accompanying on Hawaiian “ipu heke” gourds, traditional Hawaiian drums.
Member, Tom Napoli, shared several videos from the recent Hawaii Slack Key Festival held in Kahului, Hawaii in November 2021. The videos and the festival were discussed in some detail by Tom and Kimo. Songs from the festival included “The Mollusk Song,” “Rocking Chair Hula” (tuning: Bb, F, D, F, Bb, D), and Aina Hanau” by John Keawe. (tuning: B, E, B, F#, B, D#)
Other slack key tunes were played by members,, Brad Calkins, Paul Schickling as well as an original by Kinloch Nelson called “Solitude” (tuning: C. G, D, D, B, D)
Thanks to all who participated. It was a true pleasure to get away from the snow and ice for a couple of hours!
~Richard Taglieri
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