The May 18 RGC meeting was attended by a small, but devoted group of guitarists. Jerry Carter announced some upcoming events, i.e., Tantalus Quartet & blues events in June. See the Home Page and our Calendar for further details.
Jerry then explained the Core Group’s concern about growing and defining membership. If you have thoughts about membership, dues, benefits, club activities, etc., please contact Jerry at or the Club through our Contact link. You may also contact us if you would like to attend a Core session to see what it is all about. There is no obligation. The next meeting is at 2 pm, Friday, June 12. If weekdays are a problem for you, let us know.
Jerry also introduced a new feature to the club: At each player’s meeting we would like to have one person talk about the gear they use, guitar, picks, strings, pickups & EQ, etc. and what features drove those choices. They could also talk about musical influences that guide them, stylistic things they like to do, etc. We could get to know each other better and get to hear someone else’s perspective on how they made those choices. Jerry took the initiative by discussing his own playing choices. Once again, contact Jerry or the club if and when you would like to join in. We do have a volunteer for the next players’ session, possibly in July, so sign up now!
Here is the play list for the evening:
Richard Taglieri, Vals Triste (G. Garcia)
Bernie Lehmann, Only You (The Platters)
Paul Schickling, Etude #3, Op. 60 (Carcassi)
Mark Grover, For My Father (Andy McKee)
Ross Bracco, Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? (Harburg & Gorney)
Paul DiMiero, the Water is Wide (traditional, arr: Ed Gerhard)
Jerry Carter, There is Love (Paul Stookey), mini-presenter
Ted Peck, Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Harburg & Arlen)
Von Martt, Untitled (original)
—R. Taglieri
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