WXXI held an Open House Saturday October 2 at their studios on State Street. As part of the festivities, classical guitarist, Jonathan Fitzgerald was featured for a full hour. This was largely the result of their new program “Classical Guitar Alive!” which began airing several months ago thanks to the efforts of RGC and Jim Doyle in particular. You can find out more about Jonathan at http://www.jonathanfitzgerald.net/Jonathan_Fitzgerald,_classical_guitarist/Home.html.
Several RGC members were present at the open house including John Williamson who reports that the five-story building was continually crowded by a curious public. John was a walking billboard for RGC wearing his official Guitar Club T-shirt throughout the building. While there, he had a pleasant conversation with Ruth Phinney, WXXI’s program director, who is delighted with RGC’s interest in Classical Guitar Alive.
John also chatted with Jonathan, who has heard about our Club and Classical Guitar Alive. RGC member, Jim Doyle remembers Jon Fitzgerald very well. Jon taught the Guitar Ensemble at Eastman Community Music School last semester for a rehearsal in Petar Kodzas’ absence. Jim also re-connected with him during the Cleveland Classical Guitar Weekend. Jon studied under Jason Vieaux and is an excellent player.
—John Williamson
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