ECMS Guitar Ensemble
A merry group of guitarists joined together at Abilene’s Monday night, December 20 and shared the gift of music in a lively gathering including just an extra dash of variety!
The evening was launched by the ECMS (Eastman Community Music School) Guitar Ensemble led by Professor Petar Kodzas in a set of late Renaissance and early Romantic era pieces. The ensemble consisted of Petar and five guitarists doubling on three-part arrangements. The players were John Treanor, Jennifer Bennett, Don Sade, John Czyryca and Richard Taglieri. Following their performance, John Treanor and Petar Kodzas joined to play two Inventions by J.S. Bach.
John Treanor & Petar Kodzas
The RGC Core Group consisting of Kinloch Nelson, Paul Schickling, Jerry Carter, John Williamson and Richard Taglieri then gave a report on the past activity of the Club as well as future plans. This included a discussion of public awareness as exemplified by the underwriting of WXXI’FM’s “Classical Guitar Alive” and Pegasus’ Early Music series, presentations past and future ranging from Deb Fox’ lute and theorbo exposition to Bob Sneider’ talk on “Harmony through the eyes and ears of a jazz player.” Also included were reports on the Club’s finances, the website content and our recent recording sessions for the “Music Show” on cable TV.
RGC Core Group
The Core Group also acknowledged the invaluable input of those Core members and supporters who cannot always be present at meetings. These backup individuals include Ross Bracco, Dan Ball, Ted Peck, Jim Doyle, Mark Grover, Bernie Lehmann and Dan Feuerstein whose contributions have included our first venue, the website, graphic art, research, publicity and many innovative ideas. Also recognized were the gifted writers who have furnished our in-depth reviews. These include Deb Ross, Mark Grover, Jerry Carter, Ted Peck, John Williamson, Jim Doyle, Richard Taglieri and most recently, Chuck Dye.
Kinloch Nelson demonstrates the Big Baby Taylor
Jessie West plays Albéniz
After the Core Group presentation, the meeting moved on to presenting door prizes to the lucky ticket holders! Among the prizes were some interesting guitar-related CD’s, magazine issues such as Soundboard and DVD’s from the Music Show featuring RGC players. The high point of the evening was the selection from the raffle tickets of the grand prize winner of the Big Baby Taylor guitar. This turned out to be nonmember Christopher Reardon. We know he will be very happy with his new guitar! This point was aptly made by Kinloch Nelson who entertained us with some fine finger picking. The proceeds from the raffle will go to help support continued underwriting of WXXI-FM’s “Classical Guitar Alive.”
Post Meeting Jam!
The last segment of the evening showcased half a dozen of our members playing mostly Christmas songs for the rest of us, thus winding up a happy and successful get-together!
Here is a summary and play list for the evening.
ECMS Guitar Ensemble, “Ballo” & “Salterello” (Molinaro)
ECMS Guitar Ensemble, “Adagio & Rondo” (von Calle)
John Traenor & Petar Kodzas, Inventions 8 & 13 (J.S. Bach)
RGC Core Group, “Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going”
Everyone!, “Door Prizes & the Big Baby Taylor Raffle Drawing!”
Kinloch Nelson, “ Susan”
Jerry Carter, “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” (traditional)
John Williamson, “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear” (Edmund Sears)
Deb Ross, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (traditional)
Dan Bellanca, “Silent Night” (Franz Xaver Gruber)
Gerry Marshall, “I’ll be Home for Christmas” (Walter Kent)
Jessie West, “Malagueña” (Isaac Albéniz) from Chants d’Espagne
Jessie West, “Sonata K25” (Scarlatti)
—R. Taglieri
Photos: Norm Tibbils
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