♪ Well, in spite of what Jim Doyle said, I still have my program, after all! I stashed it inside a Segovia record jacket...ever the packrat!
Segovia Program 1976
♪ I took a student of mine to that recital. She got her program signed. I recall I didn’t have the heart to ask him for an autograph. Sitting at a table patiently signing autographs he looked tired. I was just one more person holding things up. I think maybe his son had recently died, too, (I might have the dates mixed up) so I let the moment pass.
♪ He payed well that night. There were about 3000 people there. He played without a PA, which I found annoying. We were far away & though the guitar carried reasonably it required absolute silence to be heard at such a distance. So if someone coughed, usually out of control as a result of trying to stifle the cough, the music disappeared. But it was a good show, and he played long and demanding pieces. He didn’t talk much. I wish he had. It would have given the
show some life.
♪ I am lucky to have seen him three times. I saw him in Boston at Wellesley College in a small theater, maybe it was a chapel. I was just a kid. I think my mom took me to meet him afterward. But I don’t remember. I do remember watching him play...time flies!
—Kinloch Nelson
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