We are sad to announce the passing of founding member Richard Taglieri who left this earth in mid January this year. Richard cared lot about this club and his role in it. He was the guy who kept this website populated with postings of upcoming concerts, news in the guitar community, and the monthly round robin song list which was a pet project of his.
Richard’s home was the scene of many a planning session in the early years of the club. You could count on there being coffee, tea, crackers and cheese, and maybe cookies. When RGC was running its yearly concert series, again in the early days, he and his wife Mary often provided refreshments and plenty of volunteer time to help make the concerts a success. Not only did Richard serve on the Planning Group for RGC since its inception in 2007 but he served on the board of directors for the old Guitar Society of Rochester back in the 1980’s and 1990’s.
It’s been a long run. As one of our members described him, “Richard Taglieri is the kind of person whom when you first meet you feel like you’ve known your entire life and you know you will be friends, forever. Always positive, never negative.” Thanks Richard for your friendship and for all you did for this club. Your love of classical guitar, your affable personality, wry humor and warm smile will be sorely missed.
Some of you may want to visit Richard’s old website. It is still there with a lot of stories of how he came to the music world, how he met his wife, and other humorous “pure Richard” posts. Here it is, https://richardtaglieri.weebly.com/
Also Obituary information where people can sign his guestbook can be found here. https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/name/richard-taglieri-obituary?id=54175633
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